Camdon installed 63 bedrooms with full VRF 3 pipe air conditioning within 6 weeks at this beautiful 4-star coastal hotel. Installed within a small-time frame to minimise impact on trading. Camdon engineers worked in teams 7 days a week to deliver this project to the highest standard and ahead of schedule.
Our Services
Why choose Camdon?
We take responsibility for safeguarding the environment, and for promoting and maintaining health & safety and wellbeing, and this underpins our duty of care to ourselves and others.
Since 2010 our reputation has been built on our excellent trading experience in mechanical and electrical services. We believe in and promote honesty, integrity and trust. The success of our delivery is measured by our accountability, reliability and collaboration.
We are forward thinking, innovative and ingenious in our delivery of bespoke and future-proof mechanical and electrical services. We advocate progress, change and constant improvement.
Case Studies
The Connaught Hotel Bournemouth
Heathfield Care Home
This large Oxford Care home operated very old boilers located within a basement plant room. New high efficiency boilers and heat pump replacements were installed and commissioned without any inconvenience to the residents and service. ” from design to installation and commissioning the project ran perfectly. It has been nearly 2 years problem free, and the energy savings are significant. If this project had not been undertaken the energy price increases would have had a huge impact on the business”.
Eastwood Park Hotel
Camdon installed a new high efficiency plant room to serve all hot water and heating requirements of this 73-bed hotel along with conference and training facilities, The project was undertaken while the current old plant room maintained heating and hot water services. The busy fully occupied hotel remained fully operational throughout with less than 24 hours disruption when the hotel swapped to the new high efficiency plant room that provides all heating and hot water services.
KIN Restaurant
A new West Yorkshire brunch location. Camdon helped source grant support to fund the project. The restaurant replaced the inefficient gas fired heating system and now has all year comfort.
Nottingham Arena
Heated by warm air natural gas space heaters with a maximum height of over 10 meters. Camdon designed and installed suitable destratification to ensure heat generated did not rise and remain in the higher ceiling area.
Orchard Care Home
Orchard Care Home based in the Midlands has a constant requirement for hot water. Previously this was delivered by a conventional flue gas fired water heater. Grant support assisted with the installation of air to water heat pump. Greatly reducing operating costs and reducing the homes carbon footprint.
Who we’ve worked with

Grant support & green funding

Camdon has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to financial support to enable your project. Grant support and self-funding finance can make a project happen quickly to provide maximum and immediate benefits.
We can offer a number of payment options and where grant support is available, we will assist in your application.